These are a few of my favorite things…..

Hi Everyone!

Did Santa come to your house like he came to mine?  I tried really hard to stay awake but I couldn’t and plus, Mom and Dad said he wouldn’t come unless I was sleeping.  I even saw him in my driveway in between the cars before Christmas. He was literally walking up the driveway. For real.  I thought I heard his reindeer’s on top of the roof too.  He’s watching me all the time.  I had lots of questions for the “big guy” like how can he see all the girls and boys in the whole wide world and how does he get into my house if I don’t have a fireplace?  How do his reindeer actually fly?

The night before Christmas we always make sure that the reindeers keep up their energy by giving them food like oatmeal and sparkly glitter so that they can see my house and they keep flying to all the kids around the world.  We also like to make sure Santa gets some goodies too.  Want to hear about some of the goodies I got?

This year my Godfather Joey gave me this cool writing writing tablet called a Boogie Board. It’s like really neat you guys. My Mom loves it because now there’s not a ton of paper all over the house and it saves the trees.

So I drew Santa a picture and said Hi.  Also I made sure to leave out cookies and an apple because he said Mrs. Clause wants to see him have more fiber in his diet.

So I drew Santa a picture and said Hi. Also I made sure to leave out cookies and an apple because he said Mrs. Claus wants to see him have more fiber in his diet.

Then the Big Guy wrote back!  Can you believe he actually knew how to use this?  He's a pretty smart guy.

Then the Big Guy wrote back! Can you believe he actually knew how to use this? He’s a pretty smart guy.

I asked Santa for an iPhone. Dad said I was too young to have a phone.  But I’m 6 going on 13!  So I also asked for a tablet. An Android one because Dad said we are not an Apple family.  Whatever that means. So I must have been a good girl because he brought me this one and it is so totally cool.

At first when I opened the box I didn't even know what this was....

At first when I opened the box I didn’t even know what it was….

Then once I saw the tablet I was like so excited!  I must have been a good girl!  I think Daddy was a little bit jealous.  That's ok, next year I'm going to ask Santa to get him one too.

Then once I saw the tablet I was like so excited! I must have been a good girl! I think Daddy was a little bit jealous. That’s ok, next year I’m going to ask Santa to get him one too.

I also asked Santa for a Barbie Malibu Dream Home too so that my Barb’s could have a place to hang out.  When I came downstairs on Christmas morning, I peeked very quietly down the stairs and saw that the Barbie’s had a bigger and better house to live in now.

Look it how big this house is!  My Barbies are going to love moving in here.  It even has spiral staircases and a rooftop deck to hang out on.  Sweet!

Look it how big this house is! My Barbies are going to love moving in here. It even has spiral staircases and a rooftop deck to hang out on. Mum Mum and Pop Pop got me new Barb clothes so that they will have cool new clothes for their house too. Sweet!

The Barbs got a new remote control car to ride around in style with.  Thanks Grandad!

The Barbs got a new remote control car to ride around in style with. Thanks Grandad!

Legos are so cool you guys.  Me and Dad love putting them together.  But I think he has more fun than me sometimes.

Legos are so cool you guys.

My GB and Pappy got me Legos too.  Aweesome!  Me and Dad love putting them together.

My GB and Pappy got me Legos too. Aweesome! Me and Dad love putting them together.

But I think he has more fun than me sometimes.

But I think he has more fun than me.

Anyway, back to my tablet....

Anyway, back to my tablet….

There are like so many games that you can download but you have to remember to only do the free ones or else Mom and Dad will get really mad.  Here are a few of my favorite ones:  Temple Run 2, Cut the Rope, and Rail Rush.  It’s cool because if I don’t like a game that I downloaded I can just delete it and that’s it. I can even download books to read too! Also Dad was really nice and downloaded Netflix for me so I can watch my shows.  Now that my vacation is over I can only be on my tablet after I do my homework and not in the morning.  Fiiiine (I’m rolling my eyes about this and Mom does NOT like when I do that so I get in trouble. I’m working on my manners but sometimes its hard!)

Oh wait, you know what else I got?  A Furby Boom.  Do you know what that is? My Nanny got me it and you can use your tablet to take care of it like feed her and give her a shower and even play soccer with her.  Just download the app.

Her name is Dee Doo but right now she is in a time out because she got all weird on us and started saying crazy stuff, so I made Mom take out the batteries. She bugged me out hard core.  Mom said I needed to pay more attention to her.  It’s not my fault I can’t play with my tablet in the mornings!

Her name is Dee Doo but right now she is in a time out because she got all weird on us and started saying crazy stuff, so I made Mom take out the batteries. She bugged me out hard core. Mom said I needed to pay more attention to her. It’s not my fault I can’t play with my tablet in the mornings!

My grandparents and Aunties got me lots of cool stuff to play with.  They must really love me, you know that? When we went to my GB and Pappy’s house I had a present from Santa there too!  It was a season pass to Dorney Park!  Oh my God!  Sorry gosh.  I can’t wait to go there when it opens.  Even Mom and Dad got one too!  Pappy said that he is going on the really big roller coaster with Mom again.  She said we’ll see about that.

There are these houses in my neighborhood that put up so many lights for Christmas.  It is so awesome.  Last year we walked there with Jackie Boy.  I’m sad that he is not with us anymore.  This year Mom and Dad took turns walking me down the sidewalk because my baby sister was sleeping in the car and it was too cold to take her out.  I love driving around looking at the lights.

Can you even believe all of these lights!!!

Can you even believe all of these lights!!!

But do you know what my favorite favorite thing for Christmas was?

Having a little sister and being able to share my tablet with her.

Having a little sister and being able to share my tablet with her.

I hope that Santa was good to all of you like he was for me!  I have to go play Donkey Kong on the Wii with my Daddy so I’ll talk to you later, ok?



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