These are a few of my favorite things…..

Hi Everyone!

Did Santa come to your house like he came to mine?  I tried really hard to stay awake but I couldn’t and plus, Mom and Dad said he wouldn’t come unless I was sleeping.  I even saw him in my driveway in between the cars before Christmas. He was literally walking up the driveway. For real.  I thought I heard his reindeer’s on top of the roof too.  He’s watching me all the time.  I had lots of questions for the “big guy” like how can he see all the girls and boys in the whole wide world and how does he get into my house if I don’t have a fireplace?  How do his reindeer actually fly?

The night before Christmas we always make sure that the reindeers keep up their energy by giving them food like oatmeal and sparkly glitter so that they can see my house and they keep flying to all the kids around the world.  We also like to make sure Santa gets some goodies too.  Want to hear about some of the goodies I got?

This year my Godfather Joey gave me this cool writing writing tablet called a Boogie Board. It’s like really neat you guys. My Mom loves it because now there’s not a ton of paper all over the house and it saves the trees.

So I drew Santa a picture and said Hi.  Also I made sure to leave out cookies and an apple because he said Mrs. Clause wants to see him have more fiber in his diet.

So I drew Santa a picture and said Hi. Also I made sure to leave out cookies and an apple because he said Mrs. Claus wants to see him have more fiber in his diet.

Then the Big Guy wrote back!  Can you believe he actually knew how to use this?  He's a pretty smart guy.

Then the Big Guy wrote back! Can you believe he actually knew how to use this? He’s a pretty smart guy.

I asked Santa for an iPhone. Dad said I was too young to have a phone.  But I’m 6 going on 13!  So I also asked for a tablet. An Android one because Dad said we are not an Apple family.  Whatever that means. So I must have been a good girl because he brought me this one and it is so totally cool.

At first when I opened the box I didn't even know what this was....

At first when I opened the box I didn’t even know what it was….

Then once I saw the tablet I was like so excited!  I must have been a good girl!  I think Daddy was a little bit jealous.  That's ok, next year I'm going to ask Santa to get him one too.

Then once I saw the tablet I was like so excited! I must have been a good girl! I think Daddy was a little bit jealous. That’s ok, next year I’m going to ask Santa to get him one too.

I also asked Santa for a Barbie Malibu Dream Home too so that my Barb’s could have a place to hang out.  When I came downstairs on Christmas morning, I peeked very quietly down the stairs and saw that the Barbie’s had a bigger and better house to live in now.

Look it how big this house is!  My Barbies are going to love moving in here.  It even has spiral staircases and a rooftop deck to hang out on.  Sweet!

Look it how big this house is! My Barbies are going to love moving in here. It even has spiral staircases and a rooftop deck to hang out on. Mum Mum and Pop Pop got me new Barb clothes so that they will have cool new clothes for their house too. Sweet!

The Barbs got a new remote control car to ride around in style with.  Thanks Grandad!

The Barbs got a new remote control car to ride around in style with. Thanks Grandad!

Legos are so cool you guys.  Me and Dad love putting them together.  But I think he has more fun than me sometimes.

Legos are so cool you guys.

My GB and Pappy got me Legos too.  Aweesome!  Me and Dad love putting them together.

My GB and Pappy got me Legos too. Aweesome! Me and Dad love putting them together.

But I think he has more fun than me sometimes.

But I think he has more fun than me.

Anyway, back to my tablet....

Anyway, back to my tablet….

There are like so many games that you can download but you have to remember to only do the free ones or else Mom and Dad will get really mad.  Here are a few of my favorite ones:  Temple Run 2, Cut the Rope, and Rail Rush.  It’s cool because if I don’t like a game that I downloaded I can just delete it and that’s it. I can even download books to read too! Also Dad was really nice and downloaded Netflix for me so I can watch my shows.  Now that my vacation is over I can only be on my tablet after I do my homework and not in the morning.  Fiiiine (I’m rolling my eyes about this and Mom does NOT like when I do that so I get in trouble. I’m working on my manners but sometimes its hard!)

Oh wait, you know what else I got?  A Furby Boom.  Do you know what that is? My Nanny got me it and you can use your tablet to take care of it like feed her and give her a shower and even play soccer with her.  Just download the app.

Her name is Dee Doo but right now she is in a time out because she got all weird on us and started saying crazy stuff, so I made Mom take out the batteries. She bugged me out hard core.  Mom said I needed to pay more attention to her.  It’s not my fault I can’t play with my tablet in the mornings!

Her name is Dee Doo but right now she is in a time out because she got all weird on us and started saying crazy stuff, so I made Mom take out the batteries. She bugged me out hard core. Mom said I needed to pay more attention to her. It’s not my fault I can’t play with my tablet in the mornings!

My grandparents and Aunties got me lots of cool stuff to play with.  They must really love me, you know that? When we went to my GB and Pappy’s house I had a present from Santa there too!  It was a season pass to Dorney Park!  Oh my God!  Sorry gosh.  I can’t wait to go there when it opens.  Even Mom and Dad got one too!  Pappy said that he is going on the really big roller coaster with Mom again.  She said we’ll see about that.

There are these houses in my neighborhood that put up so many lights for Christmas.  It is so awesome.  Last year we walked there with Jackie Boy.  I’m sad that he is not with us anymore.  This year Mom and Dad took turns walking me down the sidewalk because my baby sister was sleeping in the car and it was too cold to take her out.  I love driving around looking at the lights.

Can you even believe all of these lights!!!

Can you even believe all of these lights!!!

But do you know what my favorite favorite thing for Christmas was?

Having a little sister and being able to share my tablet with her.

Having a little sister and being able to share my tablet with her.

I hope that Santa was good to all of you like he was for me!  I have to go play Donkey Kong on the Wii with my Daddy so I’ll talk to you later, ok?



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1st Grade, 1st big kid roller coaster, 1st lost tooth….being 6 is awesome!

Hi Everybody!

It’s been way too long, I’m sorry.  You all have probably been wondering what I have been doing since I turned the big 6. I don’t know if you heard, but I am now a big sister.  Her name is Melody Mae and she is the cutest.

She's way bigger and chubbier now.  You should see her cheeks!

She’s way bigger and chubbier now. You should see her cheeks!

I love holding her and making her smile.  Mom says she can’t wear the Rainbow Loom bracelets I made for her yet, she is too little.  Yes, I can make Rainbow Loom bracelets now.  I thought I couldn’t at first, but Mommy and Daddy kept saying yes you can Lily you can do it.  They were right.  I can make regular ones, fishtails, and I just learned how to do a triple single.  I am so stoked!

Let’s see…I went to Hershey Park before my baby sister was born and rode the Sooper Dooper Looper with my friend Sarah and our Daddy’s.  I really wasn’t a huge fan of it because it went upside down.  Sarah liked it though.  I may try it again next year.  We’ll see.

For a little bit, Mommy was in the hospital with the baby still in her belly.  She was ok, but they just wanted her to stay there until the baby came out.  So Daddy and I hung out a lot.  We got to visit her all the time.

I liked eating on the window sill and hanging out with my Mommy.

I liked eating on the window sill and hanging out with my Mommy.

When Melody was born I was so excited that Mommy gave me a little sister.  I was hoping that she was a girl that way we could hang out and play.  And I get to teach her lots of new things too.


I also started a brand new school this year.  I’m in 1st grade and it is a long day! We don’t even have a nap time anymore.  I’m learning lots of new things like how to add doubles plus one in Math.  And I’m even reading a lot now all by myself. It’s so easy!

My first day of 1st grade!  I'm so excited because I can wear sneakers to school

1st grade! I’m so excited because I can wear sneakers to school.

I just wanted to tell you guys that our puppy dog, Jackie boy, did you know him?Well he went to heaven at the end of September.  We are very sad and I miss him a lot. He was 10 years old! He had pancreatitis. I am just sad in my heart that he is not here.  I feel like there is something missing in our house now.  I get sad when he doesn’t come to greet us at the door.

I loved hanging out with my Jackson.

I loved hanging out and playing with my Jackson.

Love you Jackie boy!

Love you Jackie boy!

Did you know that I play soccer?  I like to be in the back to kick the ball out of the goal.  That is called playing defense.  I scored some goals this season too which was really cool.  And guess what the name of our team was?  Yup, the Tigers.  I wanted that to be the name of our softball team but mom said Noooooo.  So I was really happy when our soccer team had that name.

I can kick the ball really far.  But remember don't kick it in the middle of the field.

I can kick the ball really far. But remember don’t kick it in the middle of the field because that makes it really easy for the other team to score if they get the ball before we do.

Go Tigers!

Go Tigers!

I'm defending the goal.

I’m defending the goal.

I love going to Dorney Park.  It is so much fun there.  My GB and Pappy take me there and they are so lucky, you know why?  Because they live like maybe 5 minutes…maybe like 20 minutes from there.  I got to take my baby sister there in October for Halloween and I am now tall enough to ride on the big girl swings!  Can you even believe that?

Daddy was so excited that I was tall enough to go on with him!

Daddy was so excited that I was tall enough to go on with him!

Look at how high I am!!  I even let go and pretended I was flying.  I bet you Mom was so nervous watching me.

Look at how high I am!! I even let go and pretended I was flying. I bet you Mom was so nervous watching me.

Me and Dad are ride buddies.

Me and Dad are ride buddies.

Mom and I got to sit in the front of the roller coaster.   That was a lot of fun.

Mom and I got to sit in the front of the roller coaster. That was a lot of fun.

Do you know who this dude is? His name is Shroeder.  He is friends with Charlie Brown.

Do you know who this dude is? His name is Shroeder. He is friends with Charlie Brown.

So guess what?

I lost not 1....

I lost not 1….

not 2....

not 2….

....but 3.  Yes 3 teeth!  Can you even believe that?

….but 3. Yes 3 teeth! Can you even believe that?

Mommy pulled all 3 out for me.  I didn’t want to because I was a little nervous and Mom said she likes doing that. Ew gross.  I got a little nervous when I saw the blood but Mom and Dad said that is normal.  T.F. came to visit me.  That stands for the Tooth Fairy.  The first time she came she left me 5 dollars in gold coins and left fairy sparkle dust all over the place.  The second time she came I got 16 quarters.  That equals 4 dollars.  She must lift fairy weights because that bag was heavy!  She even wrote me the tiniest note ever!  How does she think I would be able to read that? Luckily Daddy could make out what she said.  I also think she was playing with my Barbie car because I found gold glittery fairy dust in the front seat.  I hope she was wearing her seat belt if she was driving around in Barb’s car.

Want to know what I was for Halloween?

I was a Monster High girl named Draculaura.  Mom even put make up on me.  How cool is that?

I was a Monster High girl named Draculaura. Mom even put make up on me. How cool is that?

Mommy and Melody were cats.  Next year we are all going to be babies.  Think Daddy will dress up as a baby?  Ummmm, no.

Mommy was the Cheshire Cat and Melody was a pink kitty. Next year we are all going to be babies. Think Daddy will dress up as a baby? Ummmm, no.

Doesn't she look so cute?

Doesn’t she look so cute?

How cool is our spoooooky pumpkin!

How cool is our spoooooky pumpkin!

I have been practicing doing the monkey bars since the summer time.  I didn’t think I would ever be able to do it but Mom and Dad said to keep trying and that I would be able to do it.  And you know what?  I can do it all by myself now.  How amazing is that?  I was getting blisters on my hands because I was trying all the time.  I couldn’t stop!  Want to see me in action?

I'm 6 years old!

Being 6 years old rocks!

I’m so excited because we have off from school this Thursday and Friday!  It’s Thanksgiving and tomorrow I get to bring something into school that I am thankful for.  I asked Mom if I could bring in Melody, hey she could fit into my school bag.  But Mom said I couldn’t.  Probably because she’ll have to feed her. She’s always feeding her. Maybe I’ll bring in a picture of her instead.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!  Make sure you eat lots of turkey and say what you are thankful for!  Maybe next time I talk to you I’ll have lost another tooth!



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Happy Birthday To Meeeeeee!!

Hi Everyone!

I am 6 years old today, and it’s on a Tuesday!  How cool is that?  Mommy keeps  saying she can’t believe I am 6 years old already. I can.  I’ve been waiting for this day my whole life!  I’m pretty excited because now maybe that I am 6 I will lose a tooth!  That would be so awesome.  I’m reading a Junie B. Jones book and she lost her top front tooth.  Do you think I will be able to see the tooth fairy when she comes to visit me?  I’m going to wait up for her.


I only have 4 more days of Kindergarten left too then I will be a big 1st grader.  We are practicing for our end of the year show on Thursday.  I can’t wait to graduate!   I asked Mommy what college I was going to go to and she said how about we concentrate on finishing Kindergarten first.  I just want to know.  I have to start planning because when I am older Mom and I are going to have our very own dog walking business…

or maybe I'll have my own pony walking business.

or maybe I’ll have my own pony walking business.

Guess what?  For my birthday, I got to have a party at Sandy Hill Farm.   The same place I go to Pony Club at!  We got to pet baby bunnies, hold baby goats, and we even rode Misty the pony.  I love her. My special job was walking my friends around when they were riding Misty.  I really like doing that.  Buttercup stayed in the pasture.  But we got to see her when we took a hayride around the farm.  Then Mom made these awesome farm animal cupcakes all by herself!  Can you even believe that?  They were so yummy.  You know why?  Because she made them with love.   When I get older I want to work there.


Happy Birthday to me!!!

Happy Birthday to me!!!

I was like so tiny!

Can you even believe that I used to be this teeny tiny?

How did I grow so fast?  Maybe since I’m six now I might, just might sleep without a night light on.  Hmmmmm, we’ll see about that.  It’s just that sometimes I wake up at night and I think I see funny shapes in my room and I get scared.  I know, I’ll be a pitcher for softball now that I’m 6.  That would be really cool.  If I keep practicing I can strike girls out!

You know what was really cool?  My daddy came to the beach and we went on bike rides to the park, took walks on the beach, and even went to the Cape May Zoo on Memorial Day weekend!  I’m glad he came down.  He didn’t go in the ocean like me though.  He said it was too cold.  I didn’t think so!  It felt refreshing.


Isn’t my Daddy the funniest?

Mommy is taking me to get a manicure for my birthday and I’m going to get zebra stripes on my finger nails. How cool is that going to look!  And then we are all going to Chick-Fil-A for dinner.  I wanted to go there.   I can’t wait!  Maybe for dessert we’ll go to Rita’s instead of having cake.  This is going to be the best birthday ever!

Happy Birthday to me!!  Being 6 is going to be awesome!


Happy Tuesday too!  Enjoy your week, I know I will!



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I spy with my little eye something that is……

Hi Everyone!  Remember me, it’s Lily!  It’s been way too long but I have been so busy at school this year!  Do you know that I go all day long at Kindergarten, that’s like 13 hours or something.  By the time I get home I’m exhausted and my teacher Mrs. Pedano gives us homework! Can you even believe that?  I can really read now and at night time I like to read to Mommy and Daddy.

I still haven’t lost any teeth yet.  I’m so mad about that.  All my friends are losing teeth ‘cept me.  Mom says I have to be patient but I can’t be it’s way too hard. Did you guys know that I learned how to tie my shoes all by myself?  Yup, I am really proud of myself.  Mommy and Daddy were really excited when I showed them.


See?  How cool is that?

I can even put my hair in a pony tail all by myself too.  Mommy is sad because I never let her do my hair anymore, unless I want her to put it in a side pony. She wants to braid it and do boring things to it.  I just want a headband and that’s it. No big deal!  I think I’m going to grow it really long and then cut it and give it to kids who don’t have any hair.  That would be a really nice thing to do.

Since you haven’t heard from me in so long, I wanted to tell you 6 things that I have been up to.  You know why I choose the number 6?  Yup, I’m going to be 6 years old on June 4th.  I really want to be 7 but Mommy says to calm down and enjoy being the age you are.  Ok you ready?

Number 1.


Santa totally remembered what I said to him and he got me a purple DS. Can you even believe that? It is the best present ever! I love playing Mario Brothers. I must have been a good girl. Santa is the best!

Number 2.

I love to jump rope now.  It is so much fun to walk and jump rope, jump rope backwards, sing songs and jump rope, and even jump rope and watch TV!  My Daddy bought me a pink, white, and black colored jump rope.  Isn't he the best?!

I love to jump rope now. It is so much fun to walk and jump rope, jump rope backwards, sing songs and jump rope, and even jump rope and watch TV! My Daddy bought me a pink, white, and black colored jump rope. Isn’t he the best?!

Number 3.

I started learning how to ride ponies  at my Pony Club at Sandy Hill Farm.  I get to brush them, take dirt out of their little feet, and go on trail rides.  Now I'm learning how to trot with the pony.  I love it so much!!

I started learning how to ride ponies at my Pony Club at Sandy Hill Farm. I get to brush them, take dirt out of their little feet, and go on trail rides. Now I’m learning how to trot with the pony. I love it so much!!


This is me and Buttercup. I love riding her. But you have to let her know who is boss because if not, she’ll just eat yummy grass all the time! Pony Club makes me so happy you know that?

Number 4.

The sneaky sneaky Easter Bunny came to my house and hid so many eggs inside and outside!  He even hid an egg up high in our tree.  He is so silly that I found my Easter Basket underneath the dining room table.  How does he sneak up my stairs at night and leave me eggs?  I didn't even hear him!  Sneaky rabbit.

The sneaky peaky Easter Bunny came to my house and hid so many eggs inside and outside! He even hid an egg up high in our tree. He is so silly that I found my Easter Basket underneath the dining room table. How does he snook up my stairs at night and leave me eggs? I didn’t even hear him! Sneaky rabbit.

Number 5.

Softball season started and we are the Clementines this year.  I wanted to be the tigers or crushers because I am way tougher than a Clementine.  Softball is so much fun because I am really good at hitting the ball and throwing it.  Maybe one day I'll be a pitcher so I can wind up my arm and throw the ball really fast!

Softball season started and we are the Clementines this year. I wanted to be called the Tigers or Crushers because I am way tougher than a Clementine. Softball is so much fun because I am really good at hitting the ball and throwing it. Maybe one day I’ll be a pitcher so I can wind up my arm and throw the ball really fast!

Number 6.

Did you know that I'm going to be a big sister?  Mommy is going to have a baby on September 1st.  I hope it's a girl because I don't know what we are going to do with a baby brother!  If this whale head baby- that's what I call it because when Mom shows me pictures of what the baby looks like I think it looks like a whale head - is a girl then we can play Barbies and American Girl doll together.  I hope I hope I hope it's a girl!!  I'll let you know what it is when it comes out of mom's bladder.

Did you know that I’m going to be a big sister? Mommy is going to have a baby on September 1st. I hope it’s a girl because I don’t know what we are going to do with a baby brother! If this whale head baby- that’s what I call it because when Mom shows me pictures of what the baby looks like I think it looks like a whale head – is a girl then we can play Barbies and American Girl doll together. I hope I hope I hope it’s a girl!! I’ll let you know what it is when it comes out of mom’s bladder.

So that’s it!  6 excited things that have been happening in my world.  Every week since Mom’s belly has been getting bigger she lets me take pictures of her so we can see how big she is getting.  She told me that Daddy used to take her picture when I was in her belly.  I like to set up the shot and use her camera.  It’s fun. Then I go back to jump roping.

I hope that everyone did something for the Earth yesterday because it was Earth Day.  Like recycle or pick up trash.  I got to pick up Jackson’s poop the other day and it was all squishy and gross.  I think next time I’ll leave that job to my Daddy.

Hope everyone has a wonderful week – just like me!


Big Sister Lil

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Free Admission to My Art Gallery

Hi Everyone!  It’s me, Lily!  Did you know that there was a Hurricane named Sandy and that is why I had off from school for 2 whole days.  The winds were extremely dangerous and the guy on TV said that you shouldn’t have your kids outside.  That’s why I stayed in my house with my Mommy, Daddy, and Jackson.  He won’t go to the bathroom when it’s raining outside so Daddy has to go outside with him and do some kind of crazy talk to him. Thank goodness I got to snuggle with my Mommy and Daddy in their bed.  I love having sleepovers, but I really only get to have them with Mom when Dad’s away.  It’s called Girl Time.  Daddy said it was ok this one time with all of us.  YES!  I have the best parents ever!


Anyways, I have been practicing my drawing and my writing and I like to leave it all over the house.  I want to invite you to my gallery and guess what, it’s free!  Or if you want to get me a donut, I’ll definitely take one. Especially the ones with Halloween sprinkles all over them.  Go to Wawa and tell them Lily sent you.

Ahhhhhhh hem.  And now, presenting the amazing Lily Grace DeLong and her art work found all around the house.

This one is called, “Can you see what I’m thinking about?” It’s a donut, see? I left this one in the bathroom.

This picture is called “I Can’t Wait to go to the Fair”. I made this picture for my Mommy when we were going to the Fair. See, that’s us with the ferris wheel in the background. I left this in the kitchen so Mommy put it up by the sink so when she is washing dishes she can look at my beautiful picture.  She didn’t go on the ferris wheel with me though, she’s afraid.

“I Love My Daddy” was left on his chair that he sits in when he is watching TV in the living room.

I drew a picture of him on the back of the piece of paper. I love my Daddy.

In the kitchen, Mommy likes to hang up all of my drawings on the walls. This is like my very own gallery, isn’t it?

I also left this drawing in the living room for Mommy. I made this all by myself too. I didn’t even get any help. Pretty cool, huh?

This can be found on the living room door to go outside onto the porch. It makes Mommy smile when she sees it everyday so I think we’ll keep it up there forever. I call this one, “I Love My Mom”.

“Fancy Bubble Letters” is what I call this next drawing. I love to make these fancy letters a lot. I’m not allowed to do it on my homework for school though.

This one is called “Good Bye Hurricane Sandy”. I made this one on my chalkboard during the hurricane. Some of those  clouds are not nice ones. Thank goodness we stayed safe and snuggly warm.

That’s it! Hope you liked all of my drawings. If you want me to make you something, like a picture of a dog or a family, or something. Just let me know. Remember, I like rainbow colored sprinkles on my donuts.

Oh, I forgot, tomorrow is Halloween.  I’m going to be a pink leopard kitty cat.  I can’t wait to go trick or treating and get lots of candy! My favorite! Happy Halloween everyone!



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Eeny Meenie Miney Mo Catch a Tiger By Its Toe, If He Hollers Let Him Go Eeny Meenie Miney Mo.

Hi Everyone!  Did you know that I am in Kindergarten now?  I go for 6 hours.  The half day kids go for 2 hours or something. I’ve been so busy with school that I even forgot to show you the picture my Mommy took on my first day!

Sometimes I even get hot lunch and we stand in a line and get to have cool stuff like pizza and pancakes.  Yummy.  Mommy even ordered me chocolate milk too. Daddy says I need to drink more milk to make my bones stronger.  I grew like 5 inches he said over the past couple of months.  None of my clothes fitted me so Mum Mum and Mommy took me to my favorite store Justice and we went shopping.  I love glittery sparkle stuff.  When I’m older I want to wear shirts that hang off my shoulder too.  Mom says no way.  Oh I even like skeletons on my shirts too.  That’s so cool and creepy spooky.

Let me tell you the months of the year.  There’s January, February, March, April, May, June – that’s my birthday month, July, August, September, November, oh wait wait…October, November, and December.  In my class the teacher gives us jobs to do.  Like this week, I’m the messenger. I get to take special notes to the office.  I even get to see my Mommy because she works at my school too.

Guess what?  I play soccer and I love it.  We get to go to practice every week and then we have games on Saturday.  I really like trying to kick the ball out of the goal.  Mommy says that I’m a good defensive player.  I don’t even know what that means but I just like to play.

I’m working on controlling the soccer ball when I run.

Pretty cool, huh?

Sometimes when we play games, I have to sit out and let the other girls on my team play. There are only 3 girls that play at a time on each team. And we don’t have a goalie, so that’s why I like to try and kick the ball away and get it out of the goal. Go Cardinals! That’s the name of my team.

Do you know how to play Uno?  My GB gave me this Uno Disney game and I like to play it at night with Mom and Dad.  Daddy puts the radio on and we listen to Country music and play Uno.  I hate to lose you know that? But I do like to sing the songs that come on the radio.  Maybe next time you come over we can play it together.  I have to win though.

So I want to tell you what I’ve been up to since now I’m big and go to Kindergarten.  Well, see I really like to color and am getting so good at staying in the lines.  I also like to cut out my pictures and give them to Mommy and Daddy.  Mommy likes to hang my art work in the kitchen.  Thanks Mom.  I really want to lose a tooth.  A lot of my friends at school have already lost some teeth.  Why can’t I?  I think I’m just going to use a hammer and get them out.  Mommy says NO WAYYYY!!  Yup, she says it that loud too.  I’m serious.  When can I dye my hair pink?  I have some blonde highlights in there now.  That’s from the sun.

My Aunty Sara is getting married and we had a shower for her.  It didn’t rain.  I did see lots of presents though.  I can’t wait until my birthday and I get lots of presents too. I can’t wait to be 6 years old!

Me and Aunty Sara. She even let me help her open presents. That was really nice of her.

It was so nice outside that I had to test the balloons to see if they would lift me up in the air. Don’t worry, they didn’t. I stayed on the ground.

Can’t wait for the wedding Aunty Sara and Uncle Lew!

When Daddy goes on mancations and goes fishing me and Mommy have girl time.  We even snuggle together and have sleep overs.  That is my favorite.  She even lets me watch TV way past my bedtime.  I’ll tell you what we watch.  Sometimes we see if House Hunters is on or Storage Wars.  Mom likes those shows. Or we have been watching Wipe Out.  You guys that is the funniest show ever.  You should see the crazy stuff these people do!  One day, when I’m bigger I’m going to be on Wipe Out.

Mom and I went apple picking and I got to ride a pony. Sweet!!!We were on a red delicious apple pickin’ mission! Our box was full of apples!

I love going on hikes with Mom and Dad.  They find some pretty neat places to go and sometimes I even get to see dogs!

Mom is always walking behind taking pictures and making us wait for her.

We found this really cool building and of course Mommy wanted to take my picture. I let her take pictures of me now. I used to not let her and I would make a mean face but now since I love her so much, I think I’ll let her document my life.

This past weekend, like a couple of days ago.  We went to this really cool farm and saw the cutest goats and sheep.  It was the best day ever!  We  saw the cutest baby goat.  But you know what?  I thought it was a puppy and I asked the lady who was holding the goat if I could pet her puppy.  Isn’t that so funny?  He was only 6 months old.  Oh Jesus, he was the cutest.

Hey Sheep!

Daddy and I shot corn out of this long tube and tried to win the golden pumpkin.

Can you see me?

There was a really huge tube slide that I went down like so many times.  It was the best!  I even got to go on a hayride and pick a pumpkin!  How cool is that?

Hey everyone it’s Scarecrow Lily! Just kidding, it’s only me, Lily Grace. You can call me Grace if you want. That’s my middle name.

I’m riding the cow train. And this farmer man pulled us around on his John Deere mower and we went up and down and up and down. I wish I had a John Deere push go mower like my cousins Ryan and Dylan have. Maybe Santa will bring me one.

Whoa it’s like way past my bedtime you guys. Is it 9 o’clock? Oh man, if it was that would be pretty sweet. I put this mask on so that I don’t see the lightening outside when there is a storm. I’m afraid of thunder and lightening. Oh, and all other loud noises, like the stupid man that vrooms his motorcycle up our street. He scares the…….crap out of me. Mom says I can’t say that other bad word, it’s not nice.

Hope everyone has a great week.  Maybe Mr. Sun will come out.  When’s it going to be summer again? I miss swimming and playing on the beach.


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Girls Rule Boys Drool, right Pappy?

Hi Everyone!  Can you even believe that I haven’t talked to you guys all summer long?  I’m sorry but I am just so busy being 5 that I didn’t have time to rest!  Sometimes my Mommy wants me to lay down and close my eyes but I just can’t.  I’m a big gurl now so I don’t have time to sleep. I just get so mad because Mom and Dad get to stay up later.  All I want is for Mom to rub my back and snuggle with me.  Of course she won’t do that every night!

Let me tell you guys something.  Now that I’m 5 years old I can do all this really cool stuff.  Want to hear about it?  I can blow bubbles with my gum. I wish Mom would let me have 2 pieces of gum in my mouth at the same time. She never lets me do anything I want to do.  When I’m 8 I’ll be able to chew with 2 pieces of gum in my mouth. Oh, so I can blow bubbles, balance on my scooter and even make it stop, do a really cool cart wheel. Did you guys see the Olympics? I pretended that I was on the girls gymnastics team. I am so good.  And I can even do front flips and back flips in the pool.  Mum mum told me that 5 is the magical year. And guess what? I can even color in the lines in my coloring books.  I’m not as good as Mommy though.  She told me she has been practicing for a long time.

Since I love the beach so much Mom thought it would be a cool idea to take my 5 year picture there. Pretty sweet, huh?

I love learning how to reading books too.  I want to tell you a story about my summer.  I were ‘toked because I got to do a lot of really fun things.  Listen ok?

Once upon a time there lived Mommy, Daddy, and a girl named Lily. L.I.L.Y. They took this really cool camping trip to Vermont and hiked this really steep mountain all the way up to this pond.

They stopped along the way to rest but Lily was full of energy and told her Mommy and Daddy to keep going! They even saw a snake. Lily made sure to let everyone know that they passed to watch out for it.

Even though it rained a lot, Mommy, Daddy, and Lily didn’t care. They went to this city called Burlington for Mommy’s birthday and hung out there for the day.

One day, they went to this really awesome place to see ice cream being made. It were so cool because you could even get a little taste of some ice cream at the end of the tour.

Lily’s favorite thing in the whole wide world is ice cream. ‘Specially when there are rainbow sprinkles on top!

Lily even caught her own fish with her Toy Story rod in Vermont. Can you even believe that? Daddy were so excited because he caught his own fish with Lily’s rod too! Isn’t that so funny?

Since it were raining so much in Vermont, Mommy and Daddy decided to leave Vermont early and Mommy were very sad. But they went to see Nanny and Grandad at Keen Lake. The weather was much better there. Lily even got to drive Grandad’s boat! The Keen rocks and it were much sunnier there.

Daddy really likes to take Lily and Mommy fishing. Daddy got Lily a new pink rod to catch even bigger fish!

See how much we like to fish? Daddy always likes to take us to cool spots but shhhhh we’re not tellin where they are.

Then one day Lily and Mom took a trip to the beach with Mum Mum and Pop Pop. Lily really liked going in the waves and using the boogie board. The waves were totally gnarly dudes.

Lily made a really huge sand castle with Pop Pop and even…

helped Mum Mum feed baby mices. Aren’t they the cutest things you ever seen?

They are so tiny!  Mum mum had to release them in to the wild because they were getting way too big.

Lily and Mommy love to go on the Pirate Ship ride at Funland. When you go down the shore you HAVE to go on it. It makes your stomach tickle so much.

There is this ride that makes you feel like you are flying. Like for real flying in the sky.

Remember it is always good to end your Funland esperience with some cotton candy.

Back at the beach…

it’s always fun to yell “Fudgie Wudgie Man! 1 dime, 1 time. Take your tongue on a sleigh ride!”

Then one day, everyone hung out at Aunt Joanie’s pool. Lily really likes Aunt Joanie’s pool but not the monster that is at the bottom that cleans the pool. Since Aunt Joanie is so nice she makes sure that it is put away.

Lily always makes sure to thank her Mommy for bringing her down to the beach. It’s called being polite and respectful.

Then after picking up Lily’s uniform for Kindergarten…

it was time to go to her GB and Pappy’s house for one whole week! All by herself! Lily took a vacation and did lots of fun things like go to Dorney Park, see a butterfly exhibit, go to the movies, and get lots of snuggles and kisses. It were so great. Lily loves her GB and Pappy. I betcha that Mommy and Daddy didn’t have as much fun as Lily did.

So when Lily got back from her vacation she got to go to Faith’s Birthday party. She is 4 now. I’m 5 you know that?

One day, Lily took another trip to the beach to hang out with her cousins that she doesn’t see a lot because they live very far away. It were so much fun to swim in the pool, get glittery sparkle tattoos from Addison, and even get Aunt Joanie to snook her some yummy oreo cookies.

The next day Lily got to hang out with more cousins!

I bet you forgot how much Lily loves dogs right? Well Lily still wants to be a dog walker and loves playing and walking dogs. Huggy Bear likes to get squirted with water. Isn’t that so funny?

Shhhhh, wait. Did you hear that? Lily and Phoebe are trying to see if there is a Goblin living in this house. They thought they heard something but it were only…

Princess Bea and the Sparkly Knight seeing who could count to 100 first!  eeeeeYah!

Then on very special days, Lily got to see plays at Summer Stage with her friend Sarah. Lily saw Annie, How I Became a Pirate, and Disney Spectacular. Isn’t Reepunzel so beautiful? When Lily gets bigger she wants hair that long too.

Suddenly, Lily and Mommy took a trip to Maryland to visit Aunty and Jeremy. Lily was so excited too because then she could also see Eggward and Paris! Those are Ms. Rebecca’s dogs and they are the cutest. Lily went Duck Pin Bowling…

saw some turkeys and chickens…

and wait, isn’t this so awesome! This butterfly landed right on Lily’s leg when she were hiking. Lily thinks that the butterfly liked the color of her pants and shoes.

They all took a rest along the hike so that Lily could eat something. You see, Lily is always hungry. She is a growing girl, she can’t help it!

And then, suddenly, it were time for…

the Pirate Ship ride. For real, a real pirate ship came with real pirates and took us on their boat. I can’t even believe Aunty and Jeremy took me here.

Thank goodness On the Loose Lily had her pirate gear on to shoot water canons at Mad Dog Mike and take the treasure back! Arggggggg. Pirates rock!

Hey, are you still listening to my story?  Of course you are!  This was like when Daddy reads me my Bernstein Bear stories.  They are long just like mine was. Whenever I talk to my GB we come up with rhymes about boys to make Pappy mad like girls are cutie patooties, boys have cooties.  We think it’s so funny.  Pappy loves Justin Beaver, right Pap?

Now that I’m 5 I’m going to Kindergarten.  I can’t wait to start school.  It’s going to be so much fun.  I hope my friends will be in my class.  Maybe now that I’m going to be going to school all day I can tell you about it a couple times a month.  I still want you guys to know what’s going on with me.  So make sure you check back for updates, ok?

Next week I get to go back to the shore one last time for the summer.  I can’t wait to go in the ocean again!

Hope you all have a wonderful week, just like me!  I forgot to tell you one more thing that I can do now that I am 5.  I. can. climb on the monkey bars all by myself.  I am practicing trying to cross the whole thing, but my hands start to hurt so I have to drop down to the ground.  Maybe if you want you can go to the park and try it too!


On the Loose Lily (that’s my cool pirate name)

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I’m 5 that means I can watch Spongebob Squarepants now

Hi Everyone!  It’s me, Lily…

and I am 5 years old now. Can you even believe it?

Do you remember when I were 4 and I couldn’t color in the lines?  Now that I’m 5 I’m so good at making sure I stay inside the lines of my Hallo Kitty coloring book.  Check out my birthday cake.  I asked Mommy and Daddy if I could have a farm cake with a John Deere mower on it and you know what?

I got it! Happy Birthday to me!!!

Before I blew out my 5 candles I made a wish. Wanna know what it was? I wished for a puppy dog.

My foot feels much better now.  And guess what?  I think I can run super fast now that I am 5 years old.  I really like to play softball.  I’m working on my pitching moves right now.  But what I really really like to do is…

practice my hitting. I love to smash the ball!

Mommy and I went to this really cool park and had a picnic lunch because it were so beautiful outside.  And you know what?  We were the only people there!  We had the whole place to ourselves.

My new doggy’s that I got for my birthday came with me to the park. They had fun when I pushed them in the baby swings. Isn’t that so funny?

After the park we went to see the goats and the chickens and the bunny rabbits at the farm.

Isn’t that funny that the goats had a slide to go down too? They like to play just like me!

Hey there little buddy! He liked when I scratched his cute little head.

When I get bigger I am going to be a dog walker and I’m going to walk lots of dogs on all different color leashes.  I’m very good at walking my Shepherd named Jackson.  Did you know he is going to be 9 years old!  Can you even believe that?

When I go to visit my GB and Pappy I love to walk their dog, Bailey, on the retractable leash.

Isn’t he the cutest?

Do you know what I have been seeing all over the place?  Yup, that’s right.  Lilies!

Look it how tall these lilies are! They are like as tall as me!

Mommy and I are tiger lily hunters.   We see them everywhere!  They make us happy.

I asked Daddy if I could help him cut the lawn.  Since I’m 5 I think I can do it all by myself now.  He won’t let me use the weed wacker because he says it’s too dangerous for little girls.  But I’m not little anymore, ARGH!

I’m mowing the lawn all by myself!

For Father’s Day we went to this really cool place called Green Lane with our friends.  Daddy really likes to fish so we went there for his day.

Daddy was helping me cast with my fishing pole but I wanted to pet all the amazing doggy’s we saw walking by. And since I’m going to be a dog walker when I get bigger I needed to say Hi to each and every one of them. They might be my future clients.

It’s so nice to be outside enjoying all the puppy dogs walking by.

Happy Father’s Day to my Daddy! We got him a gift certikifate….a gift certikifate. Oh I can’t say it. Mommy and I got him a gift card to Bass Pro. He really likes that store. Oh and Dick’s.

Guess who has a new ride?

Justin Bieber. He loves hanging out in his new car.

I love my new remote control car from GB and Pappy.  Every morning I wake up and I play with it.  It’s really really fun to take it outside and practice backing up.  I’m getting gooder at doing that.

Remember, when it’s hot outside go swimming in the pool and remember to bring your goggles so you can see under water, ok?  Have a wonderful week everyone!!



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Can you even believe that….

It’s been almost two whole days since I last talked to you?  It’s me, Lily!  Remember?  Guess who came home to live with me?

Felicity and Molly! They missed me so much that…

I just had to snuggle with them. I weren’t feeling too good so these guys made me feel better.

Can you even believe that I tried lettuce?  I go to this class with Mommy called Eating the Rainbow and we get to try new exciting foods like kiwi, lettuce, and spinach. I’m not even joking that I tried lettuce.  See?

Mommy put some cheese on it. I didn’t want to try it with dressing. I just don’t know how I feel about that stuff yet. Mom said you don’t know what you’re missing. I think I’m missing a donut.

Sugar snap peas are so good too. See those little tiny balls in their home? They are the mini peas. Try some, they are yummy.

Aunty Melissa stopped in to see me on her way home to Maryland. I want to go visit her so that we can do that duck bowling again. I were so good at knocking all the pins down.

It were so hot that I just had to have Mommy turn on the sprinkler in the back yard. But right after we did that, the sky got all dark and gnarly and I thought it was going to be a hurricane but Mommy said that it’s only a quick storm. We rushed inside and I were so scared I stayed under Mom’s covers and we totally read Dude and Betty. That made me feel so bodacious.

Can you even believe that I am going to be in Kindergarten?  I’m going to be 5 on June 4th.  I were supposed to go to Dorney Park for my birthday.  They have Snoopy Land and there are so many rides for kids like me to go on, but you know what?

I were at the beach and I twisted my ankle. I think I stepped on a shell or something. I don’t remember. I’m ok. I just can’t do the things I really like to do for a little bit like run around, play softball, do gym. I am so mad that I can’t do the bike rodeo now. Darnit!

The hospital were pretty cool. I even had my very own TV to watch my favorite shows like Shake it Up and Good Luck Charlie.  And you know what was really cool?  The sound was coming out of these little mini holes on this remote control.  I never saw anything like that before!  I got to bring my puppy stuffed eanimal Asia into the room where they take pictures of your foot.  That’s called an x-ray, you know that?

When Mommy told me that we were going to the beach for the weekend after my friend Elle’s birthday party I were so excited!  A birthday party and the beach!  How lucky am I?  I just feel like a different person when I’m down there.

We made it! The sand on the beach was hot so Mom let me wear her flip flops. Wasn’t that kind of her? I couldn’t wait to…

Hang out with my cousins Addy and Jack….

Have a catch with my Pop Pop and my cousin Bobby on the beach…

Jump in the waves with Pop Pop…

And build a sandcastle. But guess what I didn’t really help I were too busy digging holes, trying out my boogie board, and looking for sand fleas. Do you know what they are? They look like mini armadillos.

I like hanging out with my cousin Bobby. He had a catch with me and even helped me dig holes in the sand. Sometimes he even lets me have a bite of his donut and starwars candy. I snook it from Mom. Shhh….don’t say a word. Not a single peep!

Even though my ankle hurt so bad I couldn’t wait to go to Funland and go on all the fun rides! Me, Pop Pop, and Mommy rode the Jitney down. I kept calling it the Shitney, isn’t that funny? Mommy said it wasn’t but she kept laughing when I said it.

If you pull the lever down, this rocket ship goes all the way up in the air. I felt like I were flying!

I love going on this ride. It totally tickles my belly and makes me scream!

I had so much fun with Mommy on the caterpillar roller coaster. I had to sit in the front seat. That’s the best. Remember to put your hands in the air!

Even though my ankle is now really hurting me I had 2 tickets left for the mini scrambler and I had to go on it.

Woooo hoooooo!!! Hold on tight! I fit perfectly into this mini scrambler seat.

Thank goodness Pop Pop gave me a piggy back ride back to the Shitney, I mean Jitney. What? It’s funny!

I can’t wait to go back to the beach. I miss it already…

I stayed home from my school today so that I can rest my foot, but you know what?  It already feels much better!  Mommy made sure that we elevated it and put some ice on it.  I really wanted to have crutches but the doctor said I didn’t need them.  But my McKenna doll has them and I wanted to be just like her!  Mom said crutches are not fun at all.

Man it’s hot outside.  Hey, I have a joke for you.  What do you get when you cross a Smurf and a cow?  Blue cheese.  Get it?

When you are at home hang out in your undies.  You’ll stay nice and cool.



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Start Spreading the News….

Hi Everyone!  Remember me?  It’s Lily!  I’ve been pretty busy lately that’s why I couldn’t even stop to write about my cool new adventures.  I have some time today though because my softball game were cancelled because the field was too muddy.  Wanna listen to my story?  Ok here it goes.

One day my Daddy asked me if I wanted to go fishing on his boat.  Of course I am going to say Yes!  I really wanted to try and catch a big musky or even a large mouth bass.

So I waited on the dock and watched as Daddy put the boat into the water. Thank goodness I brought a sweatshirt because I were so chilly that day!

Daddy loves to put cool wormy lures on my fishing rod. Maybe one day when I’m bigger I can have a fishing pole just like Mom and Dad.

And we’re off to catch some fishies. I can’t even believe Daddy let me drive the boat for a little bit!

Shhhh….be very quiet. We’re trying to catch fish here. Mom stop taking pictures all ready!

Daddy caught this dude. I didn’t want to hold him though, I just wanted to pet him.

Pop Pop has a sign on his fridgerator that says Fishing was Good or Fishing was Bad. And you know what? Fishing was Good for Daddy and Bad for Mommy and Me. That’s ok, I can’t wait to go back out again!

So guess what guess what guess what?  Have you ever been to New York City?  I have!  Last week I got to ride on the Bolt Bus really early in the morning with my Mommy and Aunty Sara to New York!  Here’s another story to listen to.  Isn’t that great?  Two stories in one night.  Sometimes Mommy and Daddy read me two bedtime stories.  Listen….

One morning, really early, like before the time I go to school, I took my very first bus ride trip to New York.

I were so excited to ride on the bus!

We made it! There were so many really high buildings all around me! We even found this cool waterfall tunnel that Aunty Sara and I stood under and didn’t even get wet!

How sparkly do I look in New York? I picked this outfit out for our special trip too….

The American Girl store! Look do you see it right behind me? I can’t believe I am actually going to go inside and pick out McKenna! I can’t even wait! But first…

I have to take Molly and Felicity to the Hospital. They are going to get a makeover. That’s what Mommy said. They need to get new hair and take a nice bath to get all cleaned up!

I can’t wait until they come back to live with me!  Now I have to go and find McKenna…

Here she is! McKenna! I’m the luckiest girl in the whole wide world! I can’t even believe I get to take her home with me!

Mommy even took her out of the box for me so that I could show McKenna around the big city! We loved it!  Aunty Sara said she wanted an American Girl Doll too.  Maybe her Mommy can buy her one for her birthday.

After we left the store, we went to do some site seeing. That means we walked around and looked at everything, even this really pretty Church called St. Patrick’s Cathedral. It was so beautiful!

Here’s Mommy and me walking towards Time Square. Aunty Sara said that’s where the ball drops on New Year’s Eve. I’m not even awake for that! Maybe this year I will be since I’ll be 5.

Look at how cool this motorcycle is! Doesn’t it look pretty like my dress?

Then guess what? Mommy and Aunty took me to the biggest toy store ever! It was called FAO Schwarz. Oh my goodness you guys. I couldn’t even believe my eyes when I walked inside! Look at these big huge puppies! I need to bring home one of these puppies to meet my other stuffed eanimals. Mom said NO WAY, they are way too big!

I even saw Spider Man there and gave him a high five. That was pretty cool. Don’t I look like him here too?

And you know what? In this toy store there was a candy store! This was like the best place in the whole wide world! Toys and Candy! Look what they even had…

Big huge boxes of Nerds. Daddy would have LOVED these!

This Pirate is actually made out of Legos. Can you even believe that? Me either…

On our way to eat lunch we saw the Naked Cowboy. You guys, he didn’t have any pants on! Just his underwear and Cowboy boots. Isn’t that the funniest? I also got to high five Elmo and Cookie Monster. Alvin didn’t see me though. Maybe next time I’m there he will.

I had such a great time with my Aunty Sara and Mommy in New York.  I can’t wait to go back again! Maybe for my birthday next year when I’m six years old.  That would be so cool!  Ok so time for bed.  I told you two night time stories and that’s it!  I need my night time drink first and then I’ll be able to go to sleep.  Sometimes at night, I wake up and then snook into Mommy and Daddy’s bed because it’s just so snuggly cozy!  I can’t even help it.

Guess what letter we are on already.  Z.  Can you even believe that? School is almost over and that means it’s going to be summer time and I get to go swimming in the pool!

Hope everyone has a great week, just like me!



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